
Food photography – how to create storytelling Instagram feed

Food Photgraphy, Marbella, Photography|

Food photography -  one of the most colourful segment for visual social media marketing. We love food so much that we will do serie from our visits to different restaurants, to present one of our favourite line of work -the  food photography Introducing your restaurant to the public in social media is much more than just picture of the food. It is the people in the kitchen, produce and all the details what goes into it.Here we show an example, how to tell the visual story about restaurant. Ironically this time it

Social media marketing is getting much more visual.

Marketing, Photography, Social Media|

Having a social media presence without the strategy and plan can be just as damaging for your business as no plan at all. To name view, Instagram and Pinterest  as visual platform, are designed to post, share, comment and engage through with  visual content. As the they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. We help brands to create a social media visual to improve and attract the communication with the followers more personal way. You need to talk with your audience as with your friends. TOP 10 Social media trends to follow on 2018 by Buffer

Differences Between Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing

digital marketing, Marbella, Marketing, Social Media|

FORMED OPINIONS OF THINGS Inspired by Difference Differences Between Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing Do Your brand needs a digital or social media marketing and what’s the difference ? If we look Digital marketing as the cake in the modern world, the social media is an essential slice of it. But digital marketing and Social Media marketing are not by default the same thing.While social media refers to specific websites, digital marketing on the other hand, can be both our digital marketing materials

Social media visual content, photography and video making

Marketing, Photography, Social Media|

FORMED OPINIONS OF THINGS Inspired by Difference Photography Social Media Visual. Photography on Social Media Visual is a key factor - You have only one chance to make the first impression. Photography  Social Media Visual importance has grown tremendously with technology and new social communications platform creations and have brought need for a good photography content to the whole new level when it comes to social media. Visual imagos/ photos speak for you, so you have to know how to use them to your advantage. The

Tips for Instagram feed design for Real Estate Agency Marbella

Instagram feed grid, Marketing, Social Media|

You have only one chance to make the first impression. Complete your social profile BIO. There are two parts what you can take advantage of when you create your profile, don't underestimate the importance of the BIO - people actually reading it and if you write some typical salestalk sentence and not difernciate at all, no one cares and get interested - after all, the attention span is very short due overload of information. Connect to your friends. Follow people who you know and don't be shy to let them know about


WE’RE willing to do things that might not work, just to be closer to being an ARTIST. ARE YOU?

relationships, ideas & beautiful brands

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